27 09, 2017

Emergency Services Superannuation Board Elections Results

By |2017-10-13T00:00:52+11:00September 27th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 037 September 25, 2017 Emergency Services Superannuation Board Elections Results Recently members of ESSS were asked to participate in the election of two Paramedic positions on the ESSS Board.  The positions being one Contributor Member and one Deputy Contributor Member. The AEAV is pleased to announce that Colin Jones has [...]

22 09, 2017

NEPT Expired Defibrillation Pads

By |2017-10-22T00:05:07+11:00September 22nd, 2017|AEA-V NEPT|0 Comments

NEPT 005 September 22, 2017 NEPT Expired Defibrillation Pads The Union has been advised that an NEPT company has directed employees to continue to carry and utilise expired defibrillation pads. The Union has also been advised that the company has told employees that the manufacturer states that the pads can be used [...]

21 09, 2017


By |2017-10-21T00:00:51+11:00September 21st, 2017|NPT|0 Comments

NPT 011 September 18, 2017 NPT (EMPLOYER) ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT BALLOT  YOU NEED TO VOTE NO It has been brought to the attention of the Union that National Patient Transport is planning to put their own unfinished Enterprise Agreement to the workforce to vote on. The negotiations with NPT are still proceeding and [...]

21 09, 2017

Another NEPT Member Assaulted

By |2017-10-31T23:07:33+11:00September 21st, 2017|AV State|0 Comments

State 014 September 15, 2017 Another NEPT Member Assaulted Unfortunately another one of our NEPT members was assaulted recently. The crew had attended a low acuity case. The experienced NEPT crew took all proper precautions when an unexpected assault occurred from an elderly patient. An AV crew were requested for [...]

21 09, 2017

How are you travelling?

By |2017-10-21T00:00:52+11:00September 21st, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 036 September 13, 2017 How are you travelling? Upcoming AEAV Mental Health Forums The next "How are you travelling?" meetings to be held on: Gippsland: Tuesday, 26th September 2017 1830 hrs at the Sale Hospital (rear the old Chest Unit), 155 Guthridge Pde, Sale Meeting to be convened by Bernie Goss 0427 [...]

13 09, 2017

Ambulance Unions & Ambulance Employers Agree On Health & Wellbeing Strategy

By |2017-10-31T23:06:43+11:00September 13th, 2017|AV State|0 Comments

State 013 September 12, 2017 Ambulance Unions & Ambulance Employers Agree On Health & Wellbeing Strategy I am pleased to advise members that all of the Ambulance Unions and Ambulance Employers throughout Australia and New Zealand have agreed on a 10 point Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This is the first [...]

13 09, 2017

Emergency Services Superannuation Board Elections

By |2017-10-13T00:00:51+11:00September 13th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 035 September 12, 2017 Emergency Services Superannuation Board Elections Members should be receiving Ballot Papers for the ESSS Board Elections. Ambulance has one Contributor Member position and one Deputy Contributor Member position on the board.  [This means one Paramedic Representative and one Paramedic Deputy Representative.] Nominations closed for the above [...]

13 09, 2017

Media Release: Legislative changes

By |2017-10-13T00:00:52+11:00September 13th, 2017|Important Information|0 Comments

Important Information September 7, 2017 Media Release: Legislative changes welcomed to establish a new National Board for paramedicine TO AEAV MEMBERS The AEAV would like to circulate to AEAV members the below Media Release with links regarding:  Legislative changes welcomed to establish a new National Board for paramedicine and provide stronger [...]

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