18 12, 2017


By |2018-01-18T00:05:31+11:00December 18th, 2017|AV State|0 Comments

State 019 December 18, 2017 AEA-V CHRISTMAS CLOSURE The AEA-V office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period from 12 noon Thursday, 21st December 2017, until Tuesday, 2nd January 2018 inclusive. If you require urgent assistance during this period please contact Steve McGhie on 0425 755 906 or Olga Bartasek on 0431 [...]

13 12, 2017

2018 AV Enterprise Bargaining Log of Claims

By |2018-01-12T00:06:52+11:00December 13th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 048 December 12, 2017 2018 AV Enterprise Bargaining Log of Claims The union will commence bargaining next year and we are beginning the process of developing our log of claims Members are asked to submit proposals for claims which they believe are important to focus on next year. Your [...]

13 12, 2017

Prescribing Paramedic Practitioner Update

By |2018-01-11T00:00:20+11:00December 13th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 047 December 11, 2017 Prescribing Paramedic Practitioner Update The AEA-V has had a working group of 16 paramedics researching, collating and finalising a discussion paper regarding Prescribing Paramedic Practitioner classification positions across Victoria. This Group was convened by Bracha Rafael and Belinda Ousley. The AEA-V extends our gratitude to [...]

13 12, 2017

beyondblue National Survey

By |2018-01-11T00:00:19+11:00December 13th, 2017|Important Information|0 Comments

Important Information December 11, 2017 beyondblue National Survey on Mental Health and Wellbeing of Police and Emergency Service Personnel TO AEAV MEMBERS We’re supporting the beyondblue National Survey on Mental Health and Wellbeing of Police and Emergency Service Personnel Even the most resilient ambulance personnel can be affected by stress and trauma. That [...]

13 12, 2017


By |2018-01-08T00:09:51+11:00December 13th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 046 December 8, 2017 CLEARING BEFORE COMPLETION OF VACIS The Union is aware that members are being directed by Ambulance Victoria (AV) to clear cases prior to a VACIS patient care record being properly completed. The vast majority of crews do their utmost to respond to all cases as quickly [...]

6 12, 2017

KPI – Naming and Shaming

By |2018-01-05T00:02:21+11:00December 6th, 2017|AV|0 Comments

AV 045 December 5, 2017 KPI – Naming and Shaming Recently the Union has received a number of complaints from members who have had performance information broadcast to the rest of their team. Examples include naming crews that experienced delays on particular dates that can be easily identified by others and [...]

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