6 02, 2018

How are you travelling?

By |2018-03-05T00:08:38+11:00February 6th, 2018|AV|0 Comments

AV 004 February 5, 2018 How are you travelling? Upcoming AEAV Mental Health Forums - Melbourne & Sale, Gippsland - The forthcoming “How are you travelling?” meetings for February to be held in Sale & Melbourne will be held on: Gippsland: Thursday, 8th February 2018 1830 hrs at the Sale [...]

6 02, 2018

“Code 9” Convoy

By |2018-03-07T22:41:03+11:00February 6th, 2018|AV State|0 Comments

State 001 February 2, 2018 “Code 9” Convoy Members are advised a convoy is being organised to raise the awareness of PTSD, Mental Health Injury and Suicide amongst Police, Fire fighters, Paramedics and Veterans. Download a copy of the Background and Itinerary of Code 9 Convoy Click to download If [...]

6 02, 2018

AEAV Membership Passes 4000

By |2018-03-02T00:04:07+11:00February 6th, 2018|AV State|0 Comments

State 002 Feabruary 2, 2018 AEAV Membership Passes 4000 As of 31st January 2018, the AEAV membership has grown to 4,003. Congratulations to all our members whether they be new or long term. This makes the AEA Victoria the biggest Ambulance Union membership in Australia. This collectiveness and unity will assist [...]

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