AV 006

February 21, 2017

40km/hr Speed Limits when passing Emergency Vehicles

In December 2014, AEAV State Councillor Matt Pearce from Ararat proposed the Union begin campaigning for 40km/hr speed restrictions around accidents and while passing emergency vehicles, a measure which existed in South Australia. The proposal was endorsed by AEAV State Council.

Since then State Councillors Matt Pearce and Simon Walsh from Bairnsdale have been working hard to bring this to reality. Simon has been representing the AEAV on a specially formed working group dealing with this issue. Other unions and emergency services have also been involved including Ambulance Victoria (AV) who have been in favour of this change.

The work also coincided with efforts by The Police Association Victoria who have had members severely injured and killed on roadways by passing vehicles.

The Union is pleased to report that the Roads minister has given preliminary support to the following draft clauses to be included in the Victorian Road Rules in 2017 (see attachment). Once amended, drivers passing any emergency vehicle with beacons activated will have to slow to 40km/hr until a safe distance away.

The Union wishes to congratulate and thank Matt Pearce and Simon Walsh for their efforts in bringing about a safer workplace for paramedics. We also acknowledge AV for their involvement in the change, in particular Nick Thresher from Driving Standards and Anna Landy from AV Legal Department.

Proposed New Rule

79A Approaching and passing stationary police vehicles, emergency vehicles, enforcement vehicles and escort vehicles.

  1. A Driver approaching a stationary or slow-moving police vehicle, emergency vehicle, enforcement vehicle or escort vehicle that is displaying a flashing blue, red or magenta light (whether or not it is also displaying other lights) or sounding an alarm, must –
    1.  drive at a speed at which the driver can if necessary stop safely before passing; and
    2. give way to any police officer, emergency worker, enforcement worker or escort vehicle worker on foot in the immediate vicinity.
      Penalty: 5 penalty units
  2.  A driver must not drive past, or overtake, a stationary or slow-moving police vehicle, emergency vehicle, enforcement vehicle or escort vehicle that is displaying a flashing blue, red or magenta light (whether or not it is also displaying other lights) or sounding an alarm, at a speed greater than 40km per hour.
    Penalty: 5 penalty units
  3. A driver who drives past, or overtakes, a stationary or slow-moving police vehicle, emergency vehicle, enforcement vehicle or escort vehicle that is displaying a flashing blue, red or magenta light (whether or not it is also displaying other lights) must not increase speed until the driver is at a sufficient distance from these vehicle or vehicles to not cause a danger to police officers, emergency workers, enforcement worker or escort vehicles workers in the immediate vicinity.
    Penalty: 5 penalty units
  4. This rule does not apply if the driver is driving on a road that is divided by a median strip and the police vehicle, emergency vehicle, enforcement vehicle or escort vehicle is on the other side of the road beyond the median strip.
  5. The rule applies to the driver despite any other rule of these Rules.

Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary