AV 003

February 9, 2017

Ambulance Dispatch Changes

The union met with AV and ESTA on 08 February 2017 where it was announced that AV will increase its oversight of ambulance dispatch through Project RAD: Revised Ambulance Dispatch.

The transition period will commence in October 2017 with Emergency dispatch. The project scope will also include Non-Emergency dispatch and have a life of approximately two years.

The parties have indicated to the union that there may be an increase in the number of dispatch channels in both metropolitan and rural Victoria.

Dispatchers will continue to be employed by ESTA.

The new model for ambulance dispatch is yet to be determined.

The union will be holding members meetings for all AV and ESTA employees at the Communications Centres once the new model for ambulance dispatch is made available.

If you have any queries about the above please contact Amanda Kaczmarek via amanda.kaczmarek@unitedvoice.org.au or 0401 191 609.

Steve McGhie
General Secretary