AV 029

August 8, 2017

Roster Reform

Roster Changes

As previously communicated Ambulance Victoria cannot unilaterally change any existing roster without consultation of the affected employees.

Commissioner Smith who is a member of Ambulance Victoria’s Board provided the below insight into consultation:

“In relation to the concept of consultation I wish to make it clear that this involves more than a mere exchange of information. For consultation to be effective the participants must be contributing to the decision making process not only in appearance, but in fact.”

All teams who are going through a roster change must be consulted, provided the opportunity to present alternatives and all changes must be endorsed by the majority via a vote. Members who object to the roster change are also entitled to raise their family and personal circumstances as per the provisions of the Agreement.

Members are encouraged to contact the union for advice and support when experiencing roster reform.

Roster Configurations

Thank you to all of those who have provided feedback as to their preferred roster configurations.

Overwhelming the preferred roster configuration was the 10,10,12,14 blended roster followed by the 10/14.

The re-occurring feedback from members can be summarised as follows:

  • Members complained about the lack of flexibility to move to other branches that had rosters more preferable to the individual;
  • One of the biggest concerns raised by members was the loss of 4 days off;
  • The majority of members were also not in favour of losing built in overtime or accrued days off due to a shift to a 38 or 40 hour week;
  • Many of the people who stated they would prefer 10/14 were saying so compared to proposed changes, several, however, did prefer them over any other model;
  • Many members who had trialled 10 and 8 hour roster models stated that they were often more fatigued from the increase in days worked than the fewer longer shifts;
  • Almost every member who said they were from a busy inner city branch wanted a blended roster with rural paramedics  preferring the 10/14;
  • If shorter shifts are to become standard then EOS policies need to change ie Priority 0 warnings to minimise incidental OT.

The Union will be sharing the above feedback with Ambulance Victoria

Steve McGhie
General Secretary