2015 Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement Variation

Today, 26 July 2016, the Andrews Government approved the variation to the 2015 Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement (Agreement).

Members now have the opportunity to endorse the Agreement as it goes through the ballot process outlined below.

Viewing period for the EA commences 29 July 2016
Voting begins 8 August 2016
Voting finishes 22 August 2016
Ballot Count 23 August 2016
Apply to FWC for approval of varied Agreement 23 August 2016

Seven days post Fair Work Commission (FWC) approval of the Agreement it becomes binding on all parties and replaces the current enterprise agreement.

The ballot will be conducted by the Australian Election Company and members will be voting electronically via telephone or email.

The Union believes that the Agreement variation provides industrial certainty to members and delivers significant wage increases. We encourage all members to vote YES.

Amanda Kaczmarek
Industrial Officer

July 2016