Work Value Case
AEAV Witness
The Union is delighted to update members on the witnesses who will be appearing in the AEAV work value case which will be heard in March 2016. These members have all worked incredibly hard over recent months to prepare very detailed witness statements.
The AEAV witnesses are:
Ward Jongebloed – ALS Paramedic (Rural), discussing treatment of anaphylaxis, treatment of COPD, trauma management, ALS of 12 lead ECG, drug changes, diving emergencies, burns management, time critical guidelines and CBR.
Morgyn McCarthy Harding – ALS Paramedic (Metro), discussing changes to the Mental Health Act, obstetric emergencies, pulse oximetry, CPAP for ALS, frailty and treatment of the agitated patient.
Niall Dexter – ALS Paramedic (Metro), discussing changes to ALS practice, mental health patients, pulse oximetry, CPAP, obstetrics, treat and refer, drug changes, frailty and continuing professional education.
Daniel Cudini – MICA Paramedic Educator (Metro), discussing changes to MICA practice, 12 Lead ECG, RSI, treatment of overdose, drug changes and CPAP.
Kate Quinn – ALS Flight Paramedic (Metro) – discussing changes to ALS Flight practice, extended scope of practice, changes to education, Adult Retrieval and helicopter underwater escape training.
Ben Meadley – MICA Flight Paramedic (Metro), discussing changes to MFP education and practice, intubation or awake burns patients, clinical autonomy and decision making, mechanical ventilation, paediatric RSI, arterial lines, blood gas analysis, delayed sequence intubation, finger thoracotomy and blood transfusions.
Nick Roder – MICA Flight Paramedic (Metro), discussing changes to MFP and FP education, Cricothyroidotomy, intubation and airway management, blood transfusions, transthoracic pacing, RSI, ultrasound, stroke management, new drugs, blood pressure management post intubation and use of arterial lines.
Peter Kent – ALS Flight Coordinator (Metro) – Changes to education of Flight Coordinators, changes to duties, changes to technology, introduction of Ambflight and introduction of iNetViewer.
Andrew Burns – Clinical Support Officer (Metro), discussing changes to education and training, clinical endorsement, MICA SRU Programme, research and trials and the role of the Clinician.
Colin Jones – Clinical Support Officer (Metro), discussing developments in education, drug changes, ROSC treatment, treat and refer, frailty, RSI, obstetric emergencies, enhanced preoxygenation and hospital bypass.
Peter Norbury – Clinical Support Officer (Metro), discussing 12 lead ECG and thrombolysis, pain relief associated with cardiac events, CPAP, airway management, assessment and treatment of stroke, newborn resuscitation, changes to graduate and paramedic education, new equipment and new drugs.
Samantha Allender – Referral Service Triage Practioner (Metro), discussing changes to work performed by Referral Service Triage Practitioners.
Steven Orr – Communications Support Paramedic (Metro), discussing changes to CSP role, Sirens, Sole CAD practitioner, discretionary warnings and workload increase.
Richard Gardiner – Communications Support Paramedic (Rural), discussing changes to CSP role, sole CAD practitioner, recall, discretionary warnings and Mizzisoft.
Robert Ray – Duty Team Manager (Metro), discussing changes to DTM role, HIC, Sirens, recall tool, expansion of service, REFCOM, statewide dispatch and LOF training.
Leo Doof – Duty Team Manager (Rural), discussing changes to DTM role, expansion of service, LOF training, REFCOM and statewide dispatch.
Susanna Dean – ALS Senior Team Manager (Metro), discussing changes to TM role, health commander, LOF training, paramedic welfare and drug management.
Don Gillies – Team Manager (Rural), discussing changes to TM role, LOF training, driving standards, manual handling and health commander role.
Stephen Mulholland – MICA Senior Team Manager (Metro), discussing MP12, SRU endorsement, MICA drug trials and MICA case audits.
Terry Houge – Paramedic Community Support Co-ordinator (Rural), discussing changes to PCSC role.
Tony Rose – Resource Planning Officer (Metro), discussing changes to work performed by Rosters Department, new responsibilities, Mizzisoft, Kiosk and Priority Vacancies.
As well as the topics listed above, all witnesses will be discussing the increased knowledge, skill, accountability, responsibility, decision making and clinical judgement used by Paramedics in their work. All of these witnesses are to be congratulated for their hard work and for volunteering to take part in the work value case.
Also appearing as witnesses for the Union will be:
Olga Bartasek – AEAV Organiser, discussing changes to environment in which Paramedics perform their work.
Danny Hill – AEAV Assistant Secretary, discussing Victorian paramedic scope of practice, clinical and pharmacological comparisons between interstate Paramedics.
Amanda Kaczmarek – AEAV Industrial Officer, discussing the AEAV wage claim and comparisons of interstate wages and working conditions.
The Union would also like to thank the many other members who have assisted in preparing the work value case. There are too many to name who have assisted with research, collecting clinical material, reading through Medical Advisory Committee minutes back to 2005 and late nights collating witness exhibits. We would not have been in a position to present such a comprehensive submission without the fantastic input of these members.
Special mention goes to: Tim Sandford, David Tull, Bracha Rafael, Jan Einsiedel, Clive Jones, Stuart Hill, Alex Vella, Julie Payne, Belinda McClean, Al Briggs, Robert Clifton, Kevin Kelly, Stephen Collins, Julie Scollary, Kerryn Wratt, Gary Robertson, Al Gailey, Paul Lodder, David Llewelyn, Bruce Harrop, Dave Shearer, Brett Parker, Deb Baumgartner, Gary Jones, Sue Copland, Julie Congedo, Ray Cornelius, Sarah Wade, Bernie Goss, Rob Lasslett, Michaela Clarke, Lachlan Garvey and Gordon Bowman.
All of our witness statements and exhibits were submitted to the Fair Work Commission and Ambulance Victoria on 21 December 2015. AV is to respond with their submissions and witness statements by 12 February 2016. Hearings will be held at the Fair Work Commission (11 Exhibition Street, Melbourne) commencing 14 March 2016.
The Union would like to see as many members as possible at the Commission during the work value case to support their peers who will be presenting evidence on their behalf.
Steve McGhie
General Secretary
January 2016
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