AV Plans To Reduce
Health and Safety Reps
As Health and Safety Representatives will be aware Ambulance Victoria are planning to significantly reduce the number of Designated Working Groups (DWG) structure and Health and Safety Representatives (HSR). The Union has been consulted about this proposal and has raised concerns.
Members are reminded that under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, changes to DWG’s are to be negotiated with employees and agreement reached on how best to ensure HSR’s are accessible to all employees.
The AEAV does not believe that reducing the number of HSR’s across the State will lead to improvements in health and safety at Ambulance Victoria. It is important that there be appropriate investment in HSR’s, OHS training, function time and support in order to see improvements in safety and reduction in workplace injury.
Members should make their views on this proposal clear to AV Management.
Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary
February 2016
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