Paramedics under pressure to clear hospitals before VACIS is completed
It has been brought to the Unions attention that Paramedics at hospitals completing their e-PCR are having pressure put on them to clear before completing the VACIS.
The Union reminds members that the completion of your VACIS [e-PCR] is as important as responding, treating and transporting your patients. Remember these documents are a legal requirement to be completed by you and for you to provide a copy to the hospital as soon as possible.
AV’s own policy (WIN/OPS/015 Responding to Events) states: Crew must clear the current event as soon as possible i.e. after handover of the patient and completion of the Patient Care Record.
These e-PCR’s can be used in investigations, clinical reviews and coroners cases and you should complete them appropriately. The Union regularly represents members who have been counselled and even disciplined over issues relating to their case sheets.
If you are requested to clear to respond to another case before you have completed your VACIS you should only do so if you believe it is appropriate. Certainly if you have treated a patient with medication or have any clinical concerns that need to be provided to the hospital, you should complete the case prior to clearing.
Anyone that experiences any issues around this matter is welcome to contact the Union.
Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary
May 2016
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