Short Term Reliever Trial Feedback Sought
The Union is seeking feedback from members regarding the operation of the Short Term Reliever (STR) Trial.
Ambulance Victoria has informed the Union that a total of ten paramedics from Gippsland, Hume, Loddon Mallee and Grampians have taken up the position this year for varying periods of time.
Ambulance Victoria has provided feedback to the Union that the trial is not currently delivering the numbers which AV requires.
Concurrently, members have informed the Union that their branch is being over-stocked with “spares”.
The Union is seeking feedback from members as to whether any have had their application for STR rejected or have had STR positions advertised for their branch or region.
The Union strongly encourages all members interested in a STR secondment to contact their Group Manager. If your application is rejected please inform the Union ASAP.
The Union will be seeking a meeting with Ambulance Victoria to discuss the operation of the STR Trial further.
Steve McGhie
General Secretary
May 2016
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