UWU Queensland Submission to the Health and Environment Committee
AV 047 July 26, 2022 Click the cover below to download the full submission.
AV 047 July 26, 2022 Click the cover below to download the full submission.
AV 046 July 25, 2022 The Health Services Union is extremely dismayed and surprised by the Albanese Labor Government’s decision to withdraw the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payments. Quotes attributable to HSU National Secretary Lloyd Williams “This decision will hurt essential and low paid health, aged care and disability workers. These [...]
AV 045 July 11, 2022 In late 2021 the AEAV commenced a grievance on behalf of a member after a significantly flawed process for appointment to a seconded position. The grievance was the precursor for the admissions by Libby Murphy at the start of this year that recruitment failures had [...]
AV 044 July 11, 2022 After recent pressure regarding AV’s continued reliance on the surge workforce, AV and the Dept. of Health have hastily come up with a plan to reduce the impact of surge. Surge will not disappear completely, but the forward planning of surge will be reduced and [...]
AV 043 July 11, 2022 As previously reported, each of the unions submitted individual claim logs to NPT at the start of negotiations. The logs revealed a significant overlap between the respective union’s claims. The unions met to consolidate their respective logs into one where the individual claims were essentially [...]
AV 042 December 02, 2020 CLEAN UP AV! The Clean Up AV Campaign aims to deal with bullying and sexual harassment, discrimination, cronyism and low staff morale. We want to ensure that interpersonal claims at AV are investigated quickly, using an external investigator that is agreed by the parties, that [...]
AV 041 November 17, 2020 BULLYING RESOURCES The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is conducting an investigation into Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination and there is an investigation into Bullying by WorkSafe. Members may also have access to claims in other jurisdictions such as IBAC or the Fair [...]
AV 040 November 16, 2020 AV’S GRADUATE RECRUITMENT LEAVES CANDIDATES IN LIMBO Recently AV has been contacted by a number of individuals who are undergoing AV’s Graduate Recruitment process. We have heard distressing stories of months and years of waiting for responses and of some people just giving up and [...]
AV 039 November 15, 2020 BULLYING AND HARASSMENT SURVEY Ambulance Victoria has engaged the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) to investigate allegations of sex discrimination and bullying within AV. We are surveying all staff at Ambulance Victoria to support our submission to change the investigation process at [...]
AV 038 November 13, 2020 AV HANDLING OF COMPLAINTS The Ambulance Employees Australia – Victoria (AEAV) have requested information and statistics regarding the Ambulance Victoria Professional Conduct Unit (PCU) and their handling of bullying and harassment matters. A copy of our correspondence is below, and we will be following up [...]