AV 027

August 2, 2017

New Roster Configurations

Recently members have raised concerns about new roster configurations at Super Resource Centres (SRC) and new branches.

The Union has been advised that other branches with high utilisation rates will also be approached to discuss new roster options which include 10 hour night shifts.

Members are reminded that under the Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2015 (Varied and Extended) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 members are entitled to be properly consulted on changes to your roster and ordinary hours of work. This means you have the right to oppose the change and submit alternative proposals to any roster which must be given proper consideration by your employer.

Any changes to existing rosters can only be achieved through a vote of affected staff. Members are encouraged to contact the Union to seek advice and support through the process. Any member who is aggrieved by changes to their roster has the right to lodge a grievance.

The Union is supportive of alternative roster proposals that reduce fatigue and create options for greater flexibility and better work-life balance. This is long overdue. The Union is not seeking an end to 14 hour night shifts or 10/14 rosters, only that other options be provided.

However not every roster will work for everyone and it is important that members are vocal about which roster best suits them.

The Union would like to receive feedback from members working these rosters, particularly its effects on your fatigue and work-life balance.

Danny Hill
Assistant Secretary